Tuesday, January 23, 2018

47 Meters Down (A Movie Review)

Thanks to the wonder that is Netflix, I have been able to sit down and watch more movies that I would have never seen otherwise. To be honest, I haven't even heard of most of the stuff that I have watched, but have been pleasantly surprised by their ability to entertain me. "47 Meters Down" is a movie that was able to hold my interest, and even built up some tense moments for me. And I was surprised to learn that it was considered to be a "box office success".

The plot of the movie is centered around two sisters (Mandy Moore, and Claire Holt) who go on vacation in Mexico, and are soon invited to get inside a giant cage, and be lowered under water to "swim" with sharks. Unfortunately, the winch on the boat breaks, and the two sisters find themselves 47 meters down. Do you see what they did there? So, it's not just a clever title. Under the water, they will have to contend with hungry, agitated sharks, and a rapidly depleting supply of air in their diving tanks.

Though the beginning was a little slow to get started, it wasn't long before you were underwater with the sisters, feeling their tense worry, and wondering if they would be able to make it out of this nightmare alive. The acting was actually pretty good, and really set the mood for a movie that I could actually sit through. The soundtrack was intriguing as well. I enjoyed the mood that the music was able to invoke.

Though I can't really see giving this movie multiple viewings, I may be able to watch it again somewhere down the road. It wasn't quite as good as it could have been, but as I've said, it was entertaining, and I was able to make it through the entire movie. Something that doesn't really happen a whole lot these days. Yes, it was Hollywood cheese, and certainly not for everyone, but if you like a  fast-paced, tense thriller, then this movie may be for you.


1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with you, Rob . . .
    we thought it was a pretty good movie, too!
